Even the most committed Christian sometimes wonders if it’s worth it to participate in the institutional church. Religion can be a huge commitment of time and resources, and especially in our day, more and more people are saying “no thanks.” It’s an honest question that we all face sooner or later: “Do I stay Christian?” Now we have one of the leading progressive Christian voices of our time, Brian McLaren (who wrote the forward to my book Unteachable Lessons) reflecting on this meaningful question in his forthcoming book. And I’d like to invite you to a Zoom call where we join with Brian in pondering this matter.
Friends, on Wednesday May 25th from 2-3:30 PM Eastern time, I will part of a panel interviewing renowned author Brian McLaren to discuss his newest book, Do I stay Christian: A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned — which will have been published just the day before.
Brian will provide an overview of his new book. Then the panelists will have a conversation with Brian, with time before the end of the call to take questions from the audience.
This event is sponsored by Mountaintop Learning, a progressive Christian Youtube channel based here in Georgia. If you cannot make the event on May 25, you’ll be able to watch it on the Mountaintop Learning Youtube channel afterward.
If you would like to join us for this free program, please click the following link to register.