Here’s a video of the talk I gave last night for the Christian Mystics Summit sponsored by Closer Than Breath. My topic was the integration of Christian mysticism with interspirituality. I discuss the many different ways of approaching mysticism within Christianity, as well as different ways of understanding interspirituality or engaging in interspiritual practice. My takeaway is that we have so many different invitations into how we can respond to the loving call of the Spirit into the mystical silence where all our faiths, spiritualities, religious traditions pour into non dual unity. The trick is not so much finding “the right” way to be a mystical Christian and/or interspiritual explorer, as it is about finding the right way for you.
Meanwhile, I hope you’ll take the time to visit Closer Than Breath’s Youtube channel, and check out all the other presentations from the Christian Mystics summit — from amazing contemplative speakers and teachers like Valerie Brown, Shawn Ellison, David Cole, Lerita Coleman Brown, and more!