Today is the fortieth anniversary of the senseless, stupid murder of former Beatle John Lennon. I was a sophomore in college when it happened, and I remember it well because…
Author: Carl McColman
Can You Combine Different Methods of Silent Prayer?
Do you think it’s possible to legitimately combine Christian Meditation (WCCM), The Jesus Prayer, and Centering Prayer into a single practice? I’ve been experimenting with this and wondering what your thoughts are.
2020 Vision: How the Challenges of This Year Can Help Us to See More Clearly
Last month I was invited to participate in a panel discussion with several contemplative leaders here in the Atlanta area, under the topic “2020 Vision.” This delicious pun invites us…
Online Workshop: Introduction to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory (March 6)
This Saturday workshop is an orientation to Ken Wilbur’s Integral Theory — also known as “the Theory of Everything”! Building off of Wilbur’s accessible introduction to his thought, A Brief…
Heart to Heart, Simple Awareness of Love
Recently I received this message from a new reader of this blog… Hi Carl, I found your site yesterday. I am a beginner and the Lord has been telling me…
The Prayer of Recollection: A Classic Mystical Practice as Taught by Evelyn Underhill
Contemplative spirituality has its own jargon, and this “language of prayer” evolves over time. Nowadays you’ll find students of the mystical path speaking about meditation, nonduality, mindfulness and heightened consciousness,…
Why Practice Centering Prayer?
Recently, I facilitated an online day of reflection and a participant asked me, “Why do you practice Centering Prayer?” I rarely get asked a question so personal, and so naturally…
Seven Ways to Think About Christian Mysticism
Here is the third episode of my “Schola Mystica” podcast. The transcript of the episode appears below. Mysticism is a notoriously difficult word to define — which means it is…
Finding Your Perfect Prayer Posture
A question that sometimes comes up when people are first learning a practice like Centering Prayer is, “How do I sit?” In other words, what is the best posture for…
Online Course: Seeking God (February 15-March 15, 2021)
I am one of four presenters for this online learning experience that is an “Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life” sponsored by Columbia Theological Seminary’s Center for Lifelong Learning. Do…
Video: Mysticism and the Bible — Three Contemplative Verses
“Is mysticism in the Bible?” It’s a question I get asked from time to time. And while the word mysticism itself is not found in scripture, the elements of mysticism are very much…
What Contemplatives Think of Their Prayer Practice (and What We Can Do To Grow in Prayer)
Over the years I’ve had the privilege to speak to many people who practice, or are interested in practicing, Christian forms of silent prayer. Since I myself practice Centering Prayer,…