Terrence Malick is arguably the most contemplative director working in Hollywood today. Films like The Tree of Life and To The Wonder invite the viewer into Malick’s unique and perhaps idiosyncratic vision, combining strikingly…
Author: Carl McColman
Ora et Labora and Right Livelihood: Some Notes Toward a Contemplative Spirituality of Work
Most of us spend a lot of time working — so what is the spirituality of work? And how does work impact, or integrate with, our spiritual practice? The motto…
What We Need for Union with God
Recently I posted this quote from Fr. Thomas Keating on Facebook: If you’re curious about the source of this quote, it is found on page 71 of Open Mind, Open…
Altamont, Auschwitz, Bethlehem, and My Lai — The Challenge of Contemplating the Dark Side
1969 was quite a year, and so in 2019 we’ve had plenty of “50th Anniversary” moments: marking the fiftieth anniversary of the first humans on the moon, of the Woodstock…
For a Contemplative, Looking for a Spiritual Community to Call Home
A reader recently wrote this to me on Facebook: I’ve been on a spiritual journey for some time now probably for about eight years. The last five years it has…
A Question for Discernment: What Do We Need to Do to Make Mysticism Mainstream?
It’s the first Sunday of Advent. So liturgically speaking, it’s a new church year. Happy new year! In the spirit of making a new year’s resolution, I’d like a pose…
Poetry, Meditations, and Contemplative Encouragement (the Perks of Being a Patron)
December 3, 2019 is “Giving Tuesday.” It’s a day designed to highlight the many worthy non-profit and charitable organizations that deserve our support — not just in December, but throughout…
My Christmas Recommendations for 2019: Books to Give to the Contemplatives You Love
Here’s a list of books published in the last eighteen months on a variety of contemplative themes. Most of these books are anchored in the Christian tradition, although several have…
Revisiting Grace: A New Edition of Writings and Photographs from a Trappist Monk
If you are looking for a wonderful Christmas gift idea, I’ve got a suggestion for you: the newly released “Memorial Edition” of Grace Revisited: Epiphanies from a Trappist Monk by Fr….
A Few Thoughts About Julian of Norwich (Video)
Here’s another one of the videos I filmed in the summer of 2015. Previously on this blog I posted a video on mysticism. More will be coming, on topics like…
Understanding "The Dark Night of the Soul"
A reader writes, Carl, have you written any articles on the “dark night” or about the struggles we face on our paths? I’d be grateful if you could either link me…
I’m Wondering About the Relationship Between Mysticism and the Church. Here’s Why.
I often get asked if Christian mysticism needs the institutional church. Do you have to be a member of a church in order to be a Christian mystic? Or, to…