This fall my new book, An Invitation to Celtic Wisdom, will be published. You can pre-order it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or IndieBound (independent bookstores), — just click on the retailer’s name to order it). If you would like to read a sample chapter of the book, click here. An Invitation to Celtic Wisdom…… Read more at Patheos
Author: Carl McColman
Between Shambhala and the Catholic Church: On Being a Contemplative in Imperfect Institutions
I sure know how to pick them (he says, ruefully). The two organizations that I have turned to for contemplative formation over the past decade — the Catholic Church and Shambhala Buddhism — have both been rocked by abuse and cover-up scandals. Since 2004 the Catholic Church has been my…… Read more at Patheos
Get to Know Meister Eckhart: A “Dangerous Mystic”
Meister Eckhart is one of the most renowned of Christian mystics: a medieval philosopher who could have gone down in history as an equal to Augustine or Aquinas — but whose career (and legacy) as a theologian was forever tarnished by accusations of heresy at the end of his life.…… Read more at Patheos
What’s The Point Behind Mary and Martha?
When I lead retreats, I often offer up a disclaimer: I am not an academic theologian, or a Biblical scholar, or any other kind of scholar for that matter. Which I don’t see as a handicap, since you don’t need a college degree to do the work of silent prayer.…… Read more at Patheos
Three Books On Silence You Won’t Want to Miss
Over the next six months at least three noteworthy books on one of my favorite topics — silence — are scheduled to be published. So I thought I’ve give you a head’s up in case you might be as interested in these books as I am. Two of them will…… Read more at Patheos
Four Keys to a Contemplative Life (Courtesy of Psalm 37)
For years now I have loved Psalm 37, for it includes one of my favorite verses in all of scripture: Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) But there’s much more to this Psalm than that one splendid verse, excellent as…… Read more at Patheos
Two Complementary Guides to Mystical Devotion
Prayer and meditation — at least for people who believe in God, they go together like love and marriage (or a horse and a carriage). A few months ago The Little Book of Christian Mysticism was published. It’s a book I edited/curated, a collection of over 300 quotations from Christian mystics,…… Read more at Patheos
Discerning the Difference Between Healthy Self-Esteem and Toxic Selfishness
In response to my article The Self, Self-Esteem, and Dying to Self, one reader posted this question: So…I’m just curious but how do you suggest one can find a balance between the two? I agree with your article and I’m grateful that you mention how Christian culture can cause us…… Read more at Patheos
What To Do When Mystics Feel Like Misfits
In response to my recent article Why Are Mystics So… Weird?!?, one reader posted this comment/question: One thing I’d like to see some work on is reintegration. By this, I mean how to integrate with “polite Christian society” when you clearly don’t fit. … It’s one thing to be a Christian…… Read more at Patheos
A Miscellaneous List of Books I Like (And Recommend)
I love booklists. I find browsing someone’s list of recommended titles is a great way to find a new treasure. This is an admittedly idiosyncratic list of books that I recommend for your consideration. Obviously I lead off with books on contemplation/mysticism, since that’s the main focus of this blog. But I…… Read more at Patheos
The Self, Self-Esteem, and Dying to Self: Contemplative Spirituality and the Ego
A reader of this blog named John wrote to me a while back and asked this question: In your opinion, what role does self worth play in faith and from where does self worth come? Since it’s a broad question, I wrote back to him to get a bit of…… Read more at Patheos
Give Love, Receive the Kingdom: A New Treat for Lovers of English Spirituality
If you love the spirituality of the English people, a new treat awaits you, courtesy of Paraclete Press (and SLG Press in the UK). A collection of essays by Sr. Benedicta Ward, SLG, has just been published, called Give Love and Receive the Kingdom: Essential People and Themes of English…… Read more at Patheos