St. Augustine said that the human heart is restless until it rests in God.
I certainly have a restless heart, and I suspect most people do. But what if the restlessness in our hearts is actually a gift — that helps us to live life fully, grounded in love, compassion and purpose?
This is the starting point for my next book, Eternal Heart: The Mystical Path to a Joyful Life, which will published next June by Broadleaf Books.
Eternal Heart weaves together wisdom from great saints and mystics to celebrate how the heart is calibrated to receive and share Divine Love and wisdom — gifts that can help us lead a truly joyful life.
It’s based on a basic idea I have been exploring, praying, and reflecting on for several years now: that the heart is filled with gifts from God. Every heart. Not just the heart of a saint or a mystic. Not just the heart of so-called “good” people. Every heart — Every human heart is a chalice that has received gifts from God.
Gifts like love, joy, wisdom, and the capacity to experience the presence of God. Those are just a few of the inner gifts that Eternal Heart explores.
My last book, Unteachable Lessons, ends with this principle: “the time will come when you need to close the book and go on… with only your heart as your guide.” Eternal Heart picks up where that book left off: with insights and inspiration how our hearts can guide us to the joyful life that emerges from the very love of God.
I’ll share more insights into the book over the months to come. In the meantime, if you would like to pre-order a copy, you can visit, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million,, or the publisher’s website and place your pre-order. Pre-orders are important: they help the publisher determine how many copies to print, and how big of a promotional push to give the book when it launches. So your pre-order makes a difference — thank you for doing so!
USA residents can pre-order your copy on my website, or, if you subscribe to my email list I’ll be sure to let you know when the book is available.
By the way… If the figure 8 on the cover seems odd to you… well, you’ll have to read the book! ?