We human beings are creatures of habit. We brush our teeth in the same direction, we take the same route to work, we fold our clothes or make our beds…
Mysticism, Separation, and Unity
A friend on Facebook a few weeks back asked me what is the relationship between mysticism and separatism. Put another way: does the mystical life inherently involve a quest for…
We Need to Find the Silence Within — Even in the Midst of a “Joyful Noise”
Check out this insightful, evocative quotation from Barbara A. Holme’s wonderful book Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices in the Black Church: Those who study contemplation have assumed that the difference between European…
Just What is Contemplation, Anyway? And Why Should I Care?
A Jesuit priest, a Trappist monk, and a Tibetan buddhist walked into a bar. (No, this is not a joke). A sign above the bar said, “Free drinks to everyone…
Why Christian Social and Political Activists Need Contemplation and Mystery — and Now More Than Ever
Last week I attended a book signing at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip here in Atlanta, in which Jon Sweeney promoted his new biography, Phyllis Tickle: A Life. I’ve…
What’s the difference between Ignatian Spirituality and Centering Prayer?
What is the difference between centering prayer and Ignatian spirituality? To answer this question, let’s consider the difference between meditation and contemplation — or, perhaps we could say, the difference…
Running After Something You Already Have
I had a dream last night — about one of my favorite retreat centers, and one of my favorite books. The setting of my dream was the Montreat Conference Center,…
The Heart of the Gospel is Love (and Richard Rohr is an Expert Guide)
I have spent the last several days simply devouring Richard Rohr’s newest book, Essential Teachings on Love. It’s the latest volume of Orbis Books’s wonderful “Modern Spiritual Masters” series. As a…
Meet Julian of Norwich
I created this video using photographs that Fran and I took in Norwich, along with a few book covers and a wonderful photo of the stained glass of Julian in…
On the Contemplative Role of the Ear… and the Tongue (Lectio Divina Diligens for Palm Sunday)
Here is the final installment of my Lenten series on Lectio Divina I’m calling Lectio Divina Diligens. Click on the link to read about this idea, if you’re not familiar with…
What to Do When Prayer Gets Dull
A reader writes: Hi Carl, hope you’re well. Just wanted to pick your brain again! I’ve encountered a new issue in my meditation, maybe you can help. I’ve realised that…
A New Prayer for Christian Contemplatives
O Holy Trinity, we come to you in silent prayer, seeking only to love you and adore you beyond all words and thought. Grant us the grace to long for…