One of the pitfalls of contemplative practice is that we can easily get stuck in our heads. Combing through the Bible or other books for lectio divina, investing time to daily…
Mirabai Starr: Giving Julian of Norwich a Lucid Voice
Julian of Norwich’s Showings shines with luminous mystical wisdom. If there is one mystic I wish everyone would read, it is Julian. But of course, the question is, “which edition…
The Kenosis of Clutter
True confession time: I’m a clutter bug. I always have been, with books, CDs, and other forms of media being my worst offenses when it comes to acquiring stuff that…
Three Wonderful Books for Exploring Julian of Norwich
I’m not sure why the fall of 2013 belongs to Julian of Norwich (except to the extent that any time is a good time for reading and reflecting on Julian’s…
Embracing Depth and Diversity: a Contemplative Approach to Interspirituality and Religious Commitment
Autumn in Georgia is a mild and lovely season, marked by golden sunlight, cool mornings and temperate days. And even if we can’t boast the shock of gorgeous color that…
Concerning Sheep, Goats, and the Unconditional Love of God
I received this email today. Thought it might be worth exploring here on the blog. Hi Carl. Just listened to your two interviews and was blessed … You said in…
Speaking of Silence (On Internet Radio)
One of the great paradoxes of being a writer (and speaker) on contemplative spirituality is that I essentially use words to invite people into a wordless place. Ah, sweet irony….
Why I don’t call myself a "Monk in the World"
Living in the World (Whether or Not You’re a Monk) Ten years ago Wayne Teasdale wrote a book called A Monk in the World. It’s based on an idea he…
A Celebration of Pollination
Here is another treasure from filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg. Take a 4½ minute break and watch this video, filled with lush and sensual imagery from the natural world. It’s a trailer for…
On Being a Lay Cistercian
“Are you a monk?” I get asked that question a lot, especially when I’m at the monastery where I work and pray and lead retreats. Perhaps it’s because of my…
Speaking of Mysticism: Three Video Clips Filmed in Portland, Oregon
Here are three brief excerpts from a talk I gave in Portland, OR, in October 2010 on the topic of Christian mysticism. These videos were produced by Cathy Zheutlin who…
A List of Books for Buddhist-Christian Dialogue
Last updated: February 14, 2025 Are you interested in exploring the richness of dialogue and interspiritual practice between Christianity and Buddhism? If so, then here’s enough literature to keep you…