Here’s a video of Fran and Rhiannon singing at a Methodist Church earlier this month. This was filmed at St. Paul’s UMC in Grant Park, Atlanta, where Fran and Rhiannon…
“He Climbed a Tree to See Him”
So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. (Luke 19:4) When I was a boy I loved to…
What Mystics Do (and You Can, Too)
What do mystics do? The following list can be a way to begin answering this question. I’m not suggesting that every mystic does everything on this list (for starters, this…
How is she doing?
I had the occasion to speak with a friend yesterday with whom I haven’t spoken in over a year. We did the obligatory “how’s it going?” conversation, and of course,…
The Hidden Tradition of Christian Mysticism
Not only can Christianity be a mystical faith, but in fact a mystical element of Christianity has existed since the time of Jesus. But for a variety of historical, social and political reasons, Christian mysticism has always existed on the margins of the church.
Kale Salad
Sunday the lay associates had a potluck lunch at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, to celebrate the birthday of our monastic advisor, Father Anthony, as well as the eldest…
Flawed Love
Part of what has surprised me about the loss of China has been how much my sense of grieving has been shaped by feeling guilty. Of course there’s the what-if’s…
China (1989-2010)
Loving God, our beloved pet and companion, China, is on her final journey. We will miss China dearly because of the joy and affection she has given us. Bless China…
The Die is Cast
I have scheduled China’s final visit to the vet for 5:30 PM today. Yesterday was a blessing. I had some errands to run, but when I came home China hobbled…
The Lion in Winter
My eldest cat, China, is well over 20 years old. She was a rescue kitty — she came to me when I managed the bookstore in Sewanee, and a fraternity…
"An enlightened power of reason and a love common to all"
John Ruusbroec (1293-1381) is one of the greatest of the Christian mystics. His masterpiece, The Spiritual Espousals (sometimes translated as The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage) in my opinion belongs…
Tessa Bielecki’s Recommended Reading for Growing in Intimacy with Christ
In her CD teaching series Wild at Heart: Radical Teachings of the Christian Mystics, former-Carmelite-turned-desert hermit Tessa Bielecki offers a wealth of suggestions of books one can read to deepen…