O Holy Trinity, we come to you in silent prayer, seeking only to love you and adore you beyond all words and thought.
Grant us the grace to long for you with such humble desire that we return to the fountain of your mercy, each and every day.
Foster in our hearts quiet confidence, that we may know you and follow your will, and trust you in steadfast hope.
Lead us to the vast haven of interior silence, that our distracted minds and anxious hearts may be calm, and rest in your boundless compassion.
Most of all, inspire us to love you fully, and to love all our neighbors as we love ourselves, so that in us you may truly be praised and glorified.
Make us one with you, for truly your beauty is our joy, your heart is our life, and your silence is our peace.
All this we ask in the name of Christ, our savior, healer, and lord. Amen
A few years ago I wrote and published a Prayer for Contemplatives. I’ve received some feedback over the years that it was too long, at least for some peoples’ taste. So I’ve revised and shortened it, and that’s the new version I’ve posted above. I think I like the shorter one better.
You may be thinking you’d like it better if it spoke of “I” rather than “we,” as in “O Holy Trinity, I come to you in silent prayer…” I did consider writing the prayer in the singular voice, but decided against it, and here’s why. So often we pray in solitude, but it’s important to remember that even if we are physically alone when we pray, we are spiritually united to everyone who is praying — at that time, or indeed at any time. So I would encourage you to pray it as it is written even when you are all alone. Just let the “we” in the prayer remind you that many brothers and sisters are joining you in prayer, across time and space.
This prayer is specifically intended to be used at the beginning (or conclusion) of silent prayer. But of course, you can use it any way you’d like.
Loving life…always searching.