When I was a sophomore in High School, my English teacher, Mrs. Romano, taught a section on William Blake. She gave us a handout with some information on the poet,…
Tag: Via Mystica
The Hidden Tradition of Christian Mysticism
Not only can Christianity be a mystical faith, but in fact a mystical element of Christianity has existed since the time of Jesus. But for a variety of historical, social and political reasons, Christian mysticism has always existed on the margins of the church.
The Rule of Saint Benedict
It might be easy for anyone who doesn’t live in (or aspire to live in) a monastery or some other form of intentional religious community to simply dismiss the Rule…
Contemplation (Contemplative Prayer) — the Heart of Christian Practice
From the earliest centuries of the common era, up to now in the third millennium, the heart of Christian spirituality is the practice of contemplation. The earliest monks read the…